Parts for a Purpose: Nose


Sundays English 10am | Domingos Español 12pm

Jan. 24, 2021


Parts for a Purpose 

It is called the Body of Christ. The body has many parts. Each part of the body is meant for a purpose. Are we using the parts for a purpose? When the body works together it functions as it was meant to; a greater purpose. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. Paul's point is about the unity and diversity of the Church, and the fact that while we're all different and carry varied gifts, we all need each other.

Week 2- Nose

Can you smell the things that God is at work doing? How is your sniffer? It is also important to know what we are smelling like. How do you smell today? We are going to explore the nose of the Body of Christ. 

Listen to the message today and be challenged by God's Word.